Why can’t I post volunteer positions?

This site is focused on paid positions at Ontario nonprofits and charities.

Check out these great resources for volunteer postings, with tips and more:

How long will it take for my job posting to be approved and appear on the site?

Your posting should be approved within 5 business days. If you do not see your job posting, please email info@theonn.ca.

How long will my posting appear on the site?

Your posting will appear on the site for 90 days, or until its expiry date. 

I see this is an exclusive ONN member service benefit. How do I become one?

To become an ONN Member, please visit http://theonn.ca/become-a-member. Once your membership has been approved, please create a profile at connectjobs.ca to take advantage of your membership discount.

If I don’t find anyone suitable, can I repost my job?

Absolutely! However, please note that reposting your job ad following its expiration date will be considered a new posting.

Can I post my Request for Proposal (RFP) for a self-employment contract (fee for service/consultant)?

No, unfortunately not. We have a longer-term plan to develop an online space to connect consultants working in the sector and the nonprofits who want to hire them. But for now, Connect Nonprofit Jobs is for job postings that result in an employment relationship between the nonprofit and the individual.